Ephemeris Date | 17/11/2018 |
Ephemeris Time (midnight) | 0.00 |
Ephemeris Place | Chennai or Madras, India |
Chennai Daylight Saving | 0.00 |
Chennai Time zone | 5 : 30 : 0 |
Chennai Longitude | 80 : 15 : 0 |
Chennai Latitude | 13 : 4 : 59 |
Universal Date | 16/11/2018 |
Universal Time | 18 : 30 : 0 |
Greenwitch Sidereal Time | 22 : 13 : 7 |
Local Sidereal Time | 3 : 34 : 7 |
Julian Day | 2458439.27083 |
Obliquity | 23.435493 |
Ayanamsa | KP New 24.03 |
All Longitude and Latitude are in decimal values
Distance in A.U. Right Ascension,Declination are in decimal values |
Sun | |
Sun Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 234.35435 |
Sun Geo Centric Distance | 0.98884 |
Sun Right Ascension | 15.46589 |
Sun Declination | -18.85649 |
Sun Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 210.32392 |
Sun Rise Time | 6.08 |
Sun Set Time | 17.39 |
Moon | |
Moon Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 336.86167 |
Moon Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | -3.11778 |
Moon Geo Centric Distance Km | 401462 |
Moon Right Ascension | 22.65135 |
Moon Declination | -11.88537 |
Moon Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 312.83124 |
Moon Rise Time | 13.38 |
Moon Set Time | 0.59 |
Geocentric Sun - Moon Phase Degree |
102.5 |
0 to 180 +ve means moon is ahead of sun, -ve means moon is behind sun |
Moon Incr / Decre Phase | I |
Star 1 with Ending Time | SATHAYAM 14.13 |
Star 2 with Ending Time | 0.00 |
Star Ending Time,With Navamsa House (Indicates Star pada) |
0.59 MA - 7.36 KU -14.13 MI -20.49 ME |
Thiti 1 with Ending Time | I_NAVAMI-COW 11.53 |
Thiti 2 with Ending Time | 0.00 |
Yogam 1 with Ending Time | VIYAKATHAM 18.38 |
Yogam 2 with Ending Time | 0.00 |
Karnam 1 with Ending Time | 0.00 |
Karnam 2 with Ending Time | 0.00 |
Raghu | |
Raghu Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude
Ascending Node of Moon |
119.96554 |
Raghu Rise Time | 22.21 |
Raghu Set Time | 10.58 |
Raghu Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 95.93511 |
Kethu | |
Kethu Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude
Descending Node of Moon |
299.96554 |
Kethu Rise Time | 11.00 |
Kethu Set Time | 22.19 |
Kethu Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 275.93511 |
Mercury | |
Mercury Helio Centric Longitude | 5.00333 |
Mercury Helio Centric Latitude | -4.83890 |
Mercury Helio centric Radius vector | 0.34965 |
Mercury Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 253.48444 |
Mercury Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | -2.09540 |
Mercury Geo Centric Distance | 0.80698 |
Mercury Forward/Retro Motion | R |
Mercury Right Ascension | 16.78729 |
Mercury Declination | -24.49412 |
Mercury Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 229.45401 |
Mercury Rise Time | 7.33 |
Mercury Set Time | 18.48 |
Venus | |
Venus Helio Centric Longitude | 67.08095 |
Venus Helio Centric Latitude | -0.57660 |
Venus Helio Centric Radius vector | 0.72122 |
Venus Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 205.24451 |
Venus Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | -1.27340 |
Venus Geo Centric Distance | 0.32670 |
Venus Forward/Retro Motion | - |
Venus Right Ascension | 13.52805 |
Venus Declination | -10.95085 |
Venus Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 181.21408 |
Venus Rise Time | 4.04 |
Venus Set Time | 15.47 |
Mars | |
Mars Helio Centric Longitude | 14.84139 |
Mars Helio Centric Latitude | -1.05719 |
Mars Helio Centric Radius vector | 1.40739 |
Mars Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 330.51429 |
Mars Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | -1.65189 |
Mars Geo Centric Distance | 0.90089 |
Mars Forward/Retro Motion | - |
Mars Right Ascension | 22.21185 |
Mars Declination | -12.83394 |
Mars Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 306.48386 |
Mars Rise Time | 12.46 |
Mars Set Time | 0.33 |
Jupiter | |
Jupiter Helio Centric Longitude | 243.21189 |
Jupiter Helio Centric Latitude | 0.79147 |
Jupiter Helio Centric Radius vector | 5.36294 |
Jupiter Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 241.82349 |
Jupiter Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | 0.66936 |
Jupiter Geo Centric Distance | 6.34174 |
Jupiter Forward/Retro Motion | - |
Jupiter Right Ascension | 15.99101 |
Jupiter Declination | -19.86733 |
Jupiter Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 217.79306 |
Jupiter Rise Time | 6.41 |
Jupiter Set Time | 18.05 |
Saturn | |
Saturn Helio Centric Longitude | 280.13078 |
Saturn Helio Centric Latitude | 0.58794 |
Saturn Helio Centric Radius vector | 10.06264 |
Saturn Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 276.34952 |
Saturn Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | 0.54914 |
Saturn Geo Centric Distance | 10.77562 |
Saturn Forward/Retro Motion | - |
Saturn Right Ascension | 18.45911 |
Saturn Declination | -22.73471 |
Saturn Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 252.31909 |
Saturn Rise Time | 9.11 |
Saturn Set Time | 20.34 |
Uranus | |
Uranus Helio Centric Longitude | 30.81666 |
Uranus Helio Centric Latitude | -0.52958 |
Uranus Helio Centric Radius vector | 19.86823 |
Uranus Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 29.62297 |
Uranus Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | -0.55481 |
Uranus Geo Centric Distance | 18.96581 |
Uranus Right Ascension | 1.85003 |
Uranus Declination | 10.81822 |
Uranus Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 0.00000 |
Uranus Rise Time | 16.01 |
Uranus Set Time | 4.28 |
Neptune | |
Neptune Helio Centric Longitude | 345.50988 |
Neptune Helio Centric Latitude | -0.97723 |
Neptune Helio Centric Radius vector | 29.93970 |
Neptune Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude | 343.72044 |
Neptune Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude | -0.98860 |
Neptune Geo Centric Distance | 29.59725 |
Neptune Right Ascension | 23.02555 |
Neptune Declination | -7.31378 |
Neptune Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude | 0.00000 |
Neptune Rise Time | 13.29 |
Neptune Set Time | 1.26 |
Extra Data
Planet Crossing |
Mercury | |
Mercury Eccentric Anomaly | 298.06 |
Mercury True Anomaly | -72.96 |
Mercury in Orbit | dflr_anod |
Mercury Longitude compared with other planets |
Llat_delr of Venus
psis_anod of Mars dflr_Llat of Jupiter dflr_Llat of Saturn asis_anod of Uranus dflr_Llat of Neptune |
Mercury crossing the other planets Orbital plane | |
Venus | |
Venus Eccentric Anomaly | 295.58 |
Venus True Anomaly | -64.77 |
Venus in Orbit | dflr_anod |
Venus Longitude compared with other planets |
anod_psis of Mercury
Just crossed Ascending Focus Latus rectum of Mars psis_anod of Jupiter Llat_psis of Saturn asis_anod of Uranus psis_anod of Neptune |
Venus crossing the other planets Orbital plane | q3 About to cross Mars plane q3 Just crossed Jupiter plane |
Earth | |
Earth Eccentric Anomaly | 311.81 |
Earth True Anomaly | -48.91 |
Earth Longitude compared with other planets |
anod_psis of Mercury
dflr_anod of Venus anod_aflr of Mars psis_anod of Jupiter Llat_psis of Saturn asis_anod of Uranus psis_anod of Neptune |
Mars | |
Mars Eccentric Anomaly | 35.22 |
Mars True Anomaly | 38.43 |
Mars in Orbit | psis_anod |
Mars Longitude compared with other planets |
dflr_anod of Mercury
Llat_delr of Venus Just crossed Periapsis of Jupiter dflr_Llat of Saturn asis_anod of Uranus dflr_Llat of Neptune |
Mars crossing the other planets Orbital plane | |
Jupiter | |
Jupiter Eccentric Anomaly | 230.68 |
Jupiter True Anomaly | -131.44 |
Jupiter in Orbit | asis_delr |
Jupiter Longitude compared with other planets |
dnod_asis of Mercury
aelr_dnod of Venus dmix_dflr of Mars hlat_asis of Saturn psis_dnod of Uranus asis_dnod of Neptune |
Jupiter crossing the other planets Orbital plane | |
Saturn | |
Saturn Eccentric Anomaly | 187.19 |
Saturn True Anomaly | -173.19 |
Saturn in Orbit | asis_dnod |
Saturn Longitude compared with other planets |
asis_Llat of Mercury
dnod_asis of Venus dflr_Llat of Mars About to cross Descending node of Jupiter delr_Llat of Uranus asis_dnod of Neptune |
Saturn crossing the other planets Orbital plane | |
Uranus | |
Uranus Eccentric Anomaly | 221.65 |
Uranus True Anomaly | -140.13 |
Uranus in Orbit | asis_anod |
Uranus Longitude compared with other planets |
dflr_anod of Mercury
Llat_delr of Venus psis_anod of Mars psis_anod of Jupiter Llat_psis of Saturn dflr_Llat of Neptune |
Uranus crossing the other planets Orbital plane | |
Neptune | |
Neptune Eccentric Anomaly | 301.17 |
Neptune True Anomaly | -59.26 |
Neptune in Orbit | dflr_Llat |
Neptune Longitude compared with other planets |
dmix_dflr of Mercury
asis_Llat of Venus psis_anod of Mars dflr_Llat of Jupiter dnod_delr of Saturn Llat_asis of Uranus |
Neptune crossing the other planets Orbital plane |
Color | Planet | Color | Planet | Color | Planet |
Mercury |
Moon |
Saturn |
Venus |
Mars |
Uranus |
Earth |
Jupiter |
Neptune |