Datewise Ephemeris for 2500 years

Ephemeris Date
-1 to 2500 (-ve for BC)
01/01/0001= 1st Jan 1 AD
01/01/-0001=1st Jan 1 BC

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Ephemeris Date 18/06/2018
Ephemeris Time (midnight) 0.00
Ephemeris Place Chennai or Madras, India
Chennai Daylight Saving 0.00
Chennai Time zone 5 : 30 : 0
Chennai Longitude 80 : 15 : 0
Chennai Latitude 13 : 4 : 59
Universal Date 17/06/2018
Universal Time 18 : 30 : 0
Greenwitch Sidereal Time 12 : 13 : 50
Local Sidereal Time 17 : 34 : 50
Julian Day 2458287.27083
Obliquity 23.435142
Ayanamsa KP New 24.03
All Longitude and Latitude are in decimal values
Distance in A.U.
Right Ascension,Declination are in decimal values
Sun Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 86.52277
Sun Geo Centric Distance 1.01598
Sun Right Ascension 5.74740
Sun Declination 23.38943
Sun Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 62.49815
Sun Rise Time 5.43
Sun Set Time 18.36
Moon Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 141.50026
Moon Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude 1.34773
Moon Geo Centric Distance Km 365550
Moon Right Ascension 9.62180
Moon Declination 15.61018
Moon Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 117.47564
Moon Rise Time 10.16
Moon Set Time 23.04
Sun - Moon Phase Degree
0 to 180
+ve means moon is ahead of sun, -ve means moon is behind sun
Moon Incr / Decre Phase I
Star 1 with Ending Time AYILYAM 4.14
Star 2 with Ending Time 0.00
Star Ending Time,With Navamsa House
(Indicates Star pada)
4.14 MI - 9.49 ME -15.25 RI -21.00 MT
Thiti 1 with Ending Time I_PANCHAMI-PAA 9.01
Thiti 2 with Ending Time 0.00
Yogam 1 with Ending Time HARSHANAM 10.31
Yogam 2 with Ending Time 0.00
Karnam 1 with Ending Time 11 19.50
Karnam 2 with Ending Time COWLAVAM 0.00
Raghu Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude
Ascending Node of Moon
Raghu Rise Time 8.48
Raghu Set Time 21.21
Raghu Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 103.98989
Kethu Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude
Descending Node of Moon
Kethu Rise Time 21.23
Kethu Set Time 8.46
Kethu Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 283.98989
Mercury Helio Centric Longitude 144.47505
Mercury Helio Centric Latitude 6.96798
Mercury Helio centric Radius vector 0.34283
Mercury Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 100.05799
Mercury Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude 1.93507
Mercury Geo Centric Distance 1.23153
Mercury Forward/Retro Motion -
Mercury Right Ascension 6.74016
Mercury Declination 24.98346
Mercury Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 76.03337
Mercury Rise Time 6.46
Mercury Set Time 19.35
Venus Helio Centric Longitude 184.88661
Venus Helio Centric Latitude 3.22837
Venus Helio Centric Radius vector 0.72035
Venus Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 124.49258
Venus Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude 2.00946
Venus Geo Centric Distance 1.15696
Venus Forward/Retro Motion -
Venus Right Ascension 8.48943
Venus Declination 21.08567
Venus Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 100.46796
Venus Rise Time 8.35
Venus Set Time 21.15
Mars Helio Centric Longitude 280.32524
Mars Helio Centric Latitude -1.42991
Mars Helio Centric Radius vector 1.43558
Mars Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 308.71082
Mars Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude -4.01938
Mars Geo Centric Distance 0.51105
Mars Forward/Retro Motion -
Mars Right Ascension 20.81805
Mars Declination -21.95555
Mars Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 284.68620
Mars Rise Time 21.29
Mars Set Time 8.57
Jupiter Helio Centric Longitude 231.42109
Jupiter Helio Centric Latitude 0.98597
Jupiter Helio Centric Radius vector 5.40091
Jupiter Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 224.13239
Jupiter Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude 1.15600
Jupiter Geo Centric Distance 4.60704
Jupiter Forward/Retro Motion R
Jupiter Right Ascension 14.80193
Jupiter Declination -14.97316
Jupiter Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 200.10777
Jupiter Rise Time 15.22
Jupiter Set Time 3.00
Saturn Helio Centric Longitude 275.55398
Saturn Helio Centric Latitude 0.77867
Saturn Helio Centric Radius vector 10.06588
Saturn Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 276.56239
Saturn Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude 0.86481
Saturn Geo Centric Distance 9.06400
Saturn Forward/Retro Motion R
Saturn Right Ascension 18.47335
Saturn Declination -22.40876
Saturn Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 252.53777
Saturn Rise Time 19.09
Saturn Set Time 6.36
Uranus Helio Centric Longitude 29.15389
Uranus Helio Centric Latitude -0.54568
Uranus Helio Centric Radius vector 19.88530
Uranus Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 31.54354
Uranus Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude -0.53055
Uranus Geo Centric Distance 20.45103
Uranus Right Ascension 1.97175
Uranus Declination 11.51100
Uranus Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 0.00000
Uranus Rise Time 2.09
Uranus Set Time 14.34
Neptune Helio Centric Longitude 344.58747
Neptune Helio Centric Latitude -0.95351
Neptune Helio Centric Radius vector 29.94214
Neptune Geo Centric Ecliptic(Sayana) Longitude 346.49878
Neptune Geo Centric Ecliptic Latitude -0.95960
Neptune Geo Centric Distance 29.74867
Neptune Right Ascension 23.19675
Neptune Declination -6.21184
Neptune Geo Centric Nirayana Longitude 0.00000
Neptune Rise Time 23.36
Neptune Set Time 11.35
Extra Data
  • True Anomaly +ve means from Periapsis to planet position in Anticlockwise direction.(0 to +180)
  • True Anomaly -ve means from Periapsis to planet position in Clockwise direction.(0 to -180)
  • anod = Ascending node
  • dnod =Descending node
  • psis = Periapsis
  • asis = Apoapsis
  • amix =Ascending Minor axis
  • dmix = Descending Minor axis
  • aelr = Ascending Empty Latus rectum
  • delr = Descending Empty Latus rectum
  • hlat = Highest Latitude
  • Llat = Lowest Latitude
  • aflr = Ascending Focus Latus rectum
  • dflr = Descending Focus Latus rectum
  • aflr_amix means planet lies between Ascending Focus Latus rectum and Ascending Minor axis

  • Planet Crossing
  • Any planet in its orbit will cross all other lower inclined planes
  • line joining the sun and highest latitude of any planet is assumed as +ve X-axis
  • q1 means quadrant between highest latitude and descending node
  • q2 means quadrant between descending node and lowest latitude
  • q3 means quadrant between lowest latitude and ascending node
  • q4 means quadrant between ascending node and highest latitude
Mercury Eccentric Anomaly 56.21
Mercury True Anomaly 66.69
Mercury in Orbit hlat_aflr
Mercury Longitude compared with other planets psis_hlat of Venus
hlat_asis of Mars
aelr_hlat of Jupiter
anod_aflr of Saturn
aflr_hlat of Uranus
aelr_hlat of Neptune
Mercury crossing the other planets Orbital plane
Venus Eccentric Anomaly 52.71
Venus True Anomaly 53.02
Venus in Orbit hlat_aflr
Venus Longitude compared with other planets amix_aelr of Mercury
asis_dnod of Mars
aelr_hlat of Jupiter
aflr_amix of Saturn
psis_dnod of Uranus
aelr_hlat of Neptune
Venus crossing the other planets Orbital plane
Earth Eccentric Anomaly 162.99
Earth True Anomaly 163.27
Earth Longitude compared with other planets asis_Llat of Mercury
dnod_asis of Venus
dflr_Llat of Mars
asis_delr of Jupiter
hlat_asis of Saturn
Just crossed Descending Empty Latus rectum of Uranus
asis_dnod of Neptune
Mars Eccentric Anomaly 308.28
Mars True Anomaly -56.06
Mars in Orbit dflr_Llat
Mars Longitude compared with other planets asis_Llat of Mercury
dnod_asis of Venus
About to cross Descending node of Jupiter
asis_dnod of Saturn
delr_Llat of Uranus
asis_dnod of Neptune
Mars crossing the other planets Orbital plane
Jupiter Eccentric Anomaly 218.47
Jupiter True Anomaly -143.23
Jupiter in Orbit asis_delr
Jupiter Longitude compared with other planets dnod_asis of Mercury
aelr_dnod of Venus
dnod_delr of Mars
hlat_asis of Saturn
psis_dnod of Uranus
asis_dnod of Neptune
Jupiter crossing the other planets Orbital plane
Saturn Eccentric Anomaly 182.38
Saturn True Anomaly -177.75
Saturn in Orbit asis_dnod
Saturn Longitude compared with other planets asis_Llat of Mercury
dnod_asis of Venus
dflr_Llat of Mars
asis_delr of Jupiter
delr_Llat of Uranus
asis_dnod of Neptune
Saturn crossing the other planets Orbital plane
Uranus Eccentric Anomaly 219.92
Uranus True Anomaly -141.79
Uranus in Orbit asis_anod
Uranus Longitude compared with other planets dflr_anod of Mercury
Llat_delr of Venus
psis_anod of Mars
psis_anod of Jupiter
Llat_psis of Saturn
dflr_Llat of Neptune
Uranus crossing the other planets Orbital plane
Neptune Eccentric Anomaly 300.25
Neptune True Anomaly -60.18
Neptune in Orbit dflr_Llat
Neptune Longitude compared with other planets dmix_dflr of Mercury
asis_Llat of Venus
psis_anod of Mars
dflr_Llat of Jupiter
dnod_delr of Saturn
Just crossed Lowest Latitude of Uranus
Neptune crossing the other planets Orbital plane

True Anomaly Representation of Planets and Moon
Orbit of planets is assumed as Circular (for easy understanding)

northern hemisphere is tilted right side of viewer
Dec 21 = winter for northern hemisphere, and summer for southern hemisphere
Color Planet Color Planet Color Planet




True Anomaly Representation in Elliptical orbit